beverage icon   Alcohol

The UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse governs the use of alcohol by departments, organized research units, Registered Campus Organizations, campus affiliated organizations, and non-University groups and individuals who conduct activities and events in University facilities. Go to Use of Alcohol for more information.


apple icon   Catering Services

The UCSB Food Services Policy governs catering, food distribution, and food sales sponsored, hosted or administered by members of the UCSB community, that use UCSB managed funds, or take place on University premises or in University facilities. Go to Catering for more information.


dollar icon   Concessions

The UCSB Interim Food Service Policy governs catering, food distribution, and food sales sponsored, hosted or administered by members of the UCSB community, that use UCSB managed funds, or take place on University premises or in University facilities. Go to Concessions for more information.


Use of Alcohol

The UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse governs the use of alcohol by departments, organized research units, Registered Campus Organizations, and campus affiliated organizations at University-sponsored events. The Policy also governs the use of alcohol by non-University groups and individuals who conduct activities and events in University facilities and on University premises.

UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse

To promote an environment of academic excellence and to comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act, the UCSB Policy On Substance Abuse requires that academic and staff employees and students:

  • Shall not use illegal substances and shall not abuse legal substances in a manner that impairs scholarly activities, job performance, or student life.
  • Shall not use illegal or legal substances in a manner that violates applicable criminal or civil laws in the workplace, on university premises, at university activities, or while conducting university business.
  • Are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol and/or controlled substances in the workplace, on university premises, at university activities, or while conducting university business.
  • Are required, if involved in work on or for a federal grant or contract, as a condition of employment on the grant or contract, to notify the university within five (5) calendar days if they are convicted of any criminal drug statute violation for activity occurring at the workplace, at the location of any grant/contract activity, or while on university business.

The Policy (see Section VII “University Sanctions” and Section IX. “Legal Sanctions”) describes sanctions that can be levied against faculty, staff, students, Registered Campus Organizations, visitors and visiting organizations found in violation of University policies and campus regulations.

Use of Alcohol at Department Events

Campus departments and units have developed policies that augment the UCSB Policy On Substance Abuse and its implementing guidelines. Groups and individuals who want to conduct events at which alcohol will be served must comply with the review and approval procedures departments have established which govern the use of alcohol at department events. If your department does not have such review and approval procedures, please consult with, and obtain the approval of, department senior officers about how to proceed with plans to engage in activities that involve the use of alcohol. Department policy may be more restrictive than the UCSB Substance Abuse Policy, but not less restrictive. Departments are required to ensure that their policies remain consistent with the UC Policy on Substance Abuse and the UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse and Implementing Guidelines (see Appendix B. “UCSB Department Policies”) and applicable personnel policies.

Use of Alcohol by Non-Affiliates

The Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates state that no non-affiliate shall drink or consume any alcoholic beverage, or possess an alcoholic beverage in an open container, on University property out of doors, except as an invited guest at an event or activity sponsored by the University at which the Designated University Official has approved the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Substance Abuse Counseling Services

UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse, (see Section V. Early Identification of Substance Abuse, Referral and Counseling Services), for information about University resources available to academic and staff employees, and students who seek assistance for substance abuse and dependency problems. See also, Appendix A. “Campus Resources.”

Sale of Alcohol

See UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse, Section X, Subsection D (1). “Sale of Alcohol.”

  1. It is a misdemeanor to sell or expose for sale any intoxicating liquor within one mile of the UCSB campus. Exceptions include bona fide eating-places licensees, off-sale licensees and club licensees (California Penal Code 172, 172e, 172f, 172h).
  2. All food service providers licensed to sell alcoholic beverages in a university facility shall have a system of server training.
  3. The price of alcoholic beverages sold on campus shall not be at a level to encourage excessive consumption (e.g., progressive drink pricing).
  4. It is unlawful to issue a license to fraternities, sororities or other student organizations to sell alcoholic beverages (California Penal Code, Section 172e).

Service of Alcohol

See UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse, Section X, Subsection D (2). “Service of Alcohol.”

  1. All individuals, groups or organizations responsible for an event at which alcoholic beverages are served must ensure compliance with applicable laws and university policies and regulations.
  2. The consumption of beer, wine, or distilled spirits shall not be the primary purpose of any event.
  3. At all events where alcoholic beverages are served, suitable non- alcoholic beverages and food shall be made available for the duration of the event. Non-alcoholic beverages shall be of comparable quality and shall be featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages.
  4. No event shall include any form of "drinking contest" in its activities or promotion.
  5. No person under 21 years of age and no obviously intoxicated person shall be furnished, served, or given an alcoholic beverage (California Business and Professions Code 25602a, 26558a).
  6. At events where some attendees are under 21 years of age, designated servers shall restrict access to alcoholic beverages in order to avoid service to those under 21.
  7. A person may be a server of alcoholic beverages at 18 years of age if his or her primary duty is the service of food, with the service of alcohol being incidental. S/he may not, however, mix drinks or serve from the bar until s/he is 21 years of age or older (California Business and Professions Code, Section 25667).
  8. Servers and event assistants are prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverages at the event.
  9. It is recommended that the consumption of alcoholic beverages be discontinued 30 minutes before the scheduled ending of the event.
  10. All campus entities that sponsor events at which alcoholic beverages are served, whether on or off campus, should review this policy and implementing guidelines prior to the event and ensure compliance.
  11. If an event is likely to draw in excess of 2,500 guests, the event sponsor must first evaluate its feasibility in consultation with affected groups and departments and receive approval from the Major Events Committee.

Advertising, Marketing & Sponsorship

The UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse (see Section X, Subsection E “Advertising, Marketing, and Sponsorship Guidelines”) describes under what conditions and to what extent alcohol may be used to promote, advertise, and sponsor University events.

Laws Governing Alcohol Use & University Liability

The University can incur liability when it serves alcohol at an event. It may incur liability if it causes or contributes to the intoxication of an individual whose subsequent actions cause loss or serves liquor to someone already under the influence. It is a misdemeanor to serve alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person (California Business and Professions Code, Section 25602). The University can incur liability if it violates alcoholic beverage laws, statues, or regulations. It can incur liability if it serves liquor to a minor. Anyone under 21 who drinks alcohol or anyone who serves alcohol to someone under 21 is guilty of a misdemeanor (California Business and Professions Code, Section 25658). See UCSB Policy on Substance Abuse, (see Appendix C, “A Sample of Applicable Laws and Ordinances”) for a list of Laws and Ordinances Governing Alcohol. NOTE: The University’s insurance programs rarely cover employees charged with criminal behavior.

Liquor Licenses on UC Premises

University Delegation of Authority 554 states, “ individual, group, or campus acting in the name of The Regents or in the name of the University may apply for a license to engage in the sale of any alcoholic beverage, including beer...”. This prohibition is pursuant to the State Constitution, which prohibits any State agency, including the University, from being licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. Therefore, any license to provide or sell alcoholic beverages on a campus must be issued in the name of an organization such as a faculty club, food service vendor, alumni group, or other independent entity. Chancellors have delegated authority to submit a written request directly to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control on behalf of organizations applying for licenses to serve liquor on campus and a written statement setting forth the reasons why issuance of the license would be in the public interest. Questions concerning the approval of liquor licenses in University facilities should be directed to the Policy Coordinator in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Administrative Services.

Reduce and/or Transfer the Risk

Alcohol is a part of American society but increasing attention is focused on its responsible use. If your department provides alcoholic beverages at any of its events it is the department’s responsibility to manage the risk. Be familiar with liquor laws and regulations and make certain your event is organized accordingly. Consider the alcohol content of the alcoholic beverages being served; control the serving size. Serve low alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks of equal quality and variety. Do not allow open bars. Locate the bar where people do not continually pass by it. Close the bar well before the end of the event. Serve food; preferably more than hors d’oeuvres.

An excellent way to reduce the risk exposure that alcohol consumption creates for the University is to transfer the responsibility of providing and serving the alcohol to a licensed and insured hotel, restaurant, caterer or professional bartender. The campus Procurement Services Office and Risk Management Office will make certain the vendor has the proper insurance, including Liquor Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. The contract with the vendor will contain an indemnity provision that, along with the vendor’s insurance, will transfer the risk associated with an alcohol-related loss to the vendor (see Contracts for information about indemnification, insurance, and risk transfer).


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Catering Services

Campus Catering has exclusive responsibility for providing all catering, food distribution, and food sales for on campus (or on UC Owned or leased property) events hosted by UC Santa Barbara.

  1. Right of First Refusal

    Because Campus Catering has the above-noted exclusive responsibility, Departments planning events that will require catered food service on campus (or on UC owned or leased property), must first contact Campus Catering for their availability. They have first right of refusal to provide service.
  2. If Campus Catering is not Available to Cater Your Event

    If Campus Catering is unable to provide catering for your on campus event, they will provide you with a Catering Services Declined Form. At that point, your options vary depending upon your event location, and whether or not your event requires food catering services (including serving), or whether it consists of food delivery or drop-off only. See below for available options when Campus Catering is not available.
    1. Catering at SB 820 Buildings – PROHIBITED. If your requested catering services includes either simple set-up and/or actual serving on site, and the event is located in a SB820 Building, then you must use Campus Catering. Otherwise, you will not be able to have set-up or actual serving and will have to consider either II.C (Food Pick-Up) or II.D (Delivery/Drop-off) below – NO EXCEPTIONS. For a list of SB820 buildings, see section V below.
    2. Catering at non-SB 820 Buildings. If your event is on campus (or on UC owned or leased property), and is not in an SB820 Building, and requires catering services that includes serving, then you must do ALL of the following before your event:
      1. Select an Off-Campus Food Vendor from the List of Approved Caterers (see section VI). These vendors have been pre-approved to provide catering serving services at UC owned or leased property and have agreed to pay Wage and Benefit Parity rates.
      2. Complete a UCSB Food Vendor Permit. Use the DocuSign PowerForm, and be sure to attach a copy of the invoice.
      3. Concurrently, submit a Covered Services Exception Request to Employee & Labor Relations via the Service Now portal: Employee & Labor Relations will not accept retroactive exception requests. NOTE: If you do not obtain this required Exemption, Accounts Payable will not be able to process payment of any reimbursement request.
        1. Click on “Request an Assessment of Your Contracting Need” – in the Additional Information box, include all the following items:
          • Location of event
          • Date of event
          • Description of caterer services, i.e.: setup/cleanup, cooking, plating, and/or serving food or drink
          • Confirmation of first right of refusal from Campus Catering (Attach the Catering Services Declined Form)
          • Statement affirming that you are using an Approved Caterer (see section VI), and that such Caterer has a signed Covered Service contract with Wage & Benefit Parity via BFS Procurement
          • SB820 Certification: “On behalf of ____ department, I ____, hereby certify that no covered services will be provided within any campus building or facility within any SB 820 designated building."
    3. Food Pick-Up. You may pick up food from any store or restaurant to bring to the event. No additional permission is required, no Food Vendor Permit is required, and the restaurant does not need to be on the list of Approved Off-Campus Food Vendors. Check with the venue for any food service restrictions prior to your event.
    4. Delivery/Drop-Off from Off-Campus Food Vendor. You may have food delivered/dropped off (no serving onsite allowed). However, you may only order from an approved Off-Campus Food Vendor. Before your event, you must obtain a quote and complete a UCSB Food Vendor Permit, by using the DocuSign PowerForm. You will be required to attach a copy of the invoice.
    5. Food Truck Catering Services
      1. If a food truck is going to provide catering service, the department and the food truck vendor must contact Campus Concessions. Campus Concessions will coordinate the approval process with Campus Catering.
      2. Pre-approval review by Employee & Labor Relations is required for food trucks. Please submit a request for assessment:
  3. Off-Campus Events at non-UC owned or leased property*
    1. Catering Off-Campus. If your event is off-campus (not UC owned nor UC leased property) and want catering (set-up and serving), you may use an Off-Campus Food Vendor from the Approved Off-Campus Food Vendor list. After you place your order, but before your event, you must complete a UCSB Food Vendor Permit. Please use the DocuSign PowerForm, and please be sure to attach a copy of the invoice.
    2. Food Pick-Up. You may pick up food from any store or restaurant to bring to the event. No additional permission is required, no Food Vendor Permit is required, and the restaurant does not need to be on the list of Approved Off-Campus Food Vendors.
    3. Delivery/Drop-Off from Off-Campus Food Vendor. If your event is off-campus (not UC owned nor UC leased property) and you want Delivery/Drop-Off, then you may order from an Off-Campus Food Vendor on the Approved Off-Campus Food Vendor list. After you place your order, but before your event, you must complete a UCSB Food Vendor Permit. Please use the DocuSign PowerForm, and please be sure to attach a copy of the invoice.
  4. Exceptions
    1. Pizza Delivery. Departments may order pizza (any dollar amount) without obtaining a first right of refusal from Campus Catering. Further, a UCSB Food Vendor Permit is not required.
    2. Food and Beverage Drop-Off/Delivery Under $300. For any food or beverages orders under $300, Departments may order for drop-off or delivery without obtaining a first right of refusal from Campus Catering. Further, a UCSB Food Vendor Permit is not required, however you must order from a Vendor on the Approved Off-Campus Food Vendor List.
    3. Food Pick-Up. You may pick up food from any store or restaurant to bring to an event. No additional permission is required, no Food Vendor Permit is required, and the restaurant does not need to be on the list of Approved Off-Campus Food Vendors.
  5. List of SB820 Buildings (as of 7/2023)

    Questions about the below list should be directed to Budget and Planning.
    1. Academic Support Facility (part of Bioengineering Building)
    2. Arts and University Art Museum
    3. Beach Pump
    4. Biological Science II
    5. Broida Hall
    6. Chemistry
    7. Davidson Library
    8. Humanities and Social Science Building
    9. Interactive Learning Pavilion
    10. Kerr Hall
    11. Life Science
    12. Marine Biotechnology (aka Marine Biotechnology Lab)
    13. Music
    14. Phelps Hall
    15. Physical Sciences Building North
    16. Physical Sciences Building South
    17. Psychology
    18. Rob Gym (aka Robertson Gym)
    19. Sewer Lift Station (aka Main Sewer Pump)
    20. South Hall
    21. Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building
    22. Theater and Dance East
    23. Woodhouse
  6. List of Approved Off -Campus Food Vendors
    1. Off-Campus Food Vendors Approved to Provide Catering Services

      The following Off-Campus Food Vendors are the ONLY eligible providers capable of providing catering serving services at a non-SB820 building that is a UC owned or leased property, because they have agreed to pay Wage and Benefit Parity rates. Notwithstanding, prior to each event, you must submit a catering exception request to Employee & Labor Relations for an assessment and approval (see section II.B 'Catering at non-SB820 Buildings'):
      • Catering Connection
      • Country Meat Market & Catering
      • Home Plate Grill
      • Omni Catering
      • Via Maestra 42
    2. Off-Campus Food Vendors Approved to Deliver Food to UCSB Events
      1. See the list of Off-Campus Food Vendors who are approved to deliver/drop-off food at UCSB events.
      2. NOTE: Setup by the vendor in an SB820 building is not allowed.
  7. Food Safety & Sanitation

    The University requires that caterers, concessionaires, and food trucks comply with University policies and procedures regarding food safety and sanitation and the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department's Requirements for Temporary Food Facilities. Campus Catering, Campus Concessions, and Environmental Health & Safety reserve the right to monitor and inspect food distribution by commercial food providers at University events to ensure compliance with these requirements.
  8. Food Concessions

    Go to Food Concessions for information about the use of food concessions at UCSB events.
  9. Payment of Food Service and Catering Vendors
    1. Reimbursement, including the use of the UC T&E Card (Concur Card), is processed in Concur.
    2. Invoices for vendors who bill the campus directly (“Direct Bill”) are processed by filling out an Entertainment Direct Payment Request Form, and sending to
    3. Accounts Payable will need to know whether or not the service was true catering, or the simple pick-up or drop-off of food, and whether or not the service was provided on UC owned or leased property.
    4. If a reimbursement request is for true catering on campus (or on UC owned or leased property), Accounts Payable will only process payment when a Covered Services Exemption Request was properly submitted to and approved by Labor Relations prior to the event (see section II.B.3 above).


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Food Concessions

The UCSB Food Service Policy governs catering, food distribution, and food sales sponsored, hosted or administered by members of the UCSB community, that use UCSB managed funds, or take place on University premises or in University facilities.

Food Concessions at UCSB Events

The UCSB Food Service Policy gives Campus Concessions exclusive responsibility and first right of refusal to provide food service for events held at campus athletic facilities, tournaments, concerts, Arts & Lectures events, and for unaffiliated organizations that use campus facilities. If Campus Concessions cannot provide the required food services it will permit the use of an approved food concessionaire.

Food Concessionaire Insurance Requirements

A department or unaffiliated organization seeking to use food concessionaires at an event must first contact Campus Concessions to request food service. If Campus Concessions approves the use of an outside food concessionaire the department or unaffiliated organization and the concessionaire must complete the following steps:

  • Submit the concessionaire’s Certificate of Insurance and current Health Permit to the Risk Management Office.
  • The concessionaire’s insurance must comply with the University’s requirements; see FS: Food Service Insurance Requirements.
  • The Risk Management office will notify Campus Concessions when the concessionaire’s insurance meets the University’s requirements.
  • Obtain a UCSB Concessions Permit (see instructions below).

Food Trucks at UCSB Events

Campus Concessions has exclusive responsibility to review and approve the use of any food truck that sells food or provides catering service on the UCSB campus.

Food Truck Insurance Requirements

A department or unaffiliated organization seeking to use a food truck at an event must first contact Campus Concessions. If Campus Concessions approves the use of a food truck the department or unaffiliated organization and food truck vendor must:

  • Submit the food truck vendor’s Certificate of Insurance and current Health Permit to the Risk Management Office.
  • The food truck vendor’s insurance must comply with the University’s requirements; see FS: Food Service Insurance Requirements.
  • The Risk Management office will notify Campus Concessions when the food truck vendor’s insurance meets the University’s requirements.
  • Obtain a UCSB Concessions Permit (see instructions below).

Obtaining a UCSB Concessions Permit

Concessionaires and food truck vendors cannot work at campus events without an approved UCSB Concessions Permit. The UCSB Concessions Permit contains terms and conditions that protect the University in the event that the concessionaire’s or food truck vendor’s acts or omissions are responsible for injury.

After the Risk Management office has notified Campus Concessions that the food truck vendor’s Certificate of Insurance and Health Permit meet the University’s requirements, the department or unaffiliated organization must complete the following steps to obtain an approved UCSB Concessions Permit:

  • Contact Campus Concessions and request a UCSB Concessions Permit Application.
  • Complete and sign the UCSB Concessions Permit Application.
  • Submit the UCSB Concessions Permit Application to Campus Concessions.
  • Campus Concessions will review and approve the UCSB Concessions Permit Application.
  • Campus Concessions will issue a UCSB Concessions Permit to the concessionaire upon receipt of the applicable permit fees.

Food Truck Catering Service

If a food truck is going to provide catering service, the department and the food truck vendor must contact Campus Concessions. Campus Concessions will coordinate the approval process with Campus Catering.

Required Event Information

Provide the following information about your event to Campus Concessions. Campus Concessions when making a request for food service: event date and time, event location, sponsoring department, department contact name, telephone number, and email address, number of people at the event, type of food, the name of the food service provider you wish to use if Campus Concessions. Campus Concessions cannot meet the department’s needs. Provide a copy of the concessionaire’s or food truck vendor’s invoice or quote.

Food Safety & Sanitation

The University requires that caterers, concessionaires, and food trucks comply with University policies and procedures regarding food safety and sanitation and the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department’s Requirements for Temporary Food Facilities. Campus Catering, Campus Concessions, and Environmental Health & Safety reserve the right to monitor and inspect food distribution by commercial food providers at University events to ensure compliance with these requirements.

Catering Services

Go to Catering Services for information about the use of catering services at UCSB events.


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