Report Procedures

If you are a UC employee and have an accident or illness related to your field work, notify the project PI or supervisor and file a Workers Comp claim.

Incident Report Procedures

In Case of Sexual Harassment

Crisis Management Plan (Doc, PDF)


The following outline is adapted from the crisis management protocol used by NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School). It is intended to provide a management framework for campus and departmental response.



Customize the table entries with phone numbers for the Principal Investigator, Department Chair or MSO, and back up contacts.


A crisis in the field is a serious incident:

  • Fatality
  • Serious injury (threat to life or limb)
  • Serious illness (threat to life)
  • Major environmental or political disturbance (flood, fire, earthquake, terrorism, etc.)


During a Crisis in the Field Contacts:

Role Main Contact Secondary Contact Back Up
Principal Investigator      
Department Chair or MSO      
EH&S Director Tim Fitzpatrick: 805-893-2040 Alex Moretto: 805-893-4899 EH&S Tech Line: 805-893-3194
UC Travel Insurance

24/7 Numbers:
1-800-527-0218 (US)
1-410-453-6300 (Outside US Call Collect)

1-866-451-7606 (From US and Canada)
1-410-453-6330 (From Outside the US)
UCSB Risk Manager:
Ron Betancourt 805-893-5837


In case of crisis, initiate first aid response and emergency procedures. Start with the main contacts and leave a message if there is no answer. Continue on to secondary and back up contacts until contact is made. Report:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where

The Report Should Be Concise and Factual. 


Once notification of a crisis in the field comes in, initiate a response within the first hours following the flow chart and checklist above.

Incident Leaders: Family Relations Leader:
EH&S Director Vice Chancellor of Research
EH&S Research Safety Manager College Dean
Department Chair and/or Chair of Appropriate Committee  


Field Operations Leader: Communication leader:
Lab Manager Department MSO
Dive and Boat Safety Officer: Eric Hessel 805-451-5099 Office of Research
Field Safety Coordinator: Jamie Bishop 805-403-4874  

Important Phone Numbers:

Role Main Contact Secondary Contact Back Up
EH&S Director Tim Fitzpatrick: 805-893-2040 Alex Moretto: 805-893-4899 EH&S Tech Line: 805-893-3194
EH&S Risk Manager Tim Fitzpatrick: 805-893-2040 Ron Betancourt: 805-893-5837 Elena Grozeva: 805-893-2029
EH&S Field Safety Officer Jamie Bishop: 805-893-8894 Alex Moretto: 805-893-4899 Hector Acuna: 805-893-8243
EH&S Dive Safety Officer

Eric Hessel: 805-451-5099

Jamie Bishop: 805-893-8894 Alex Moretto: 805-893-4899
Family Relations

Joe Incandela will be notified by the Incident Commander

  Cognizant Dean
Chief Campus Counsel (Legal)

Nancy G. Hamil: 805-893-3459

Kelly Drumm: 510-987-9765 Norman Hamill: 510-987-9746
Public Affairs

Andrea Estrada: 805-893-4620

Alex Parraga: 805-893-3028 John Longbrake: 805-893-2191
Clery Notification Coordinator

Lorraine Madden: 805-893-4001

Matt Bowman: 805-729-3288 UCSB Police: 805-893-3446 (request on duty Lieutenant to call back)
UC Travel Insurance

24/7 Numbers:
1-800-527-0218 (US)
1-410-453-6300 (Outside US Call Collect)

1-866-451-7606 (US and Canada)
1-410-453-6330 (Outside the US)
UCSB Risk Manager: 805-893-4169
UCSB Police


CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services 24/7)


Academic & Staff Assistance Program


Title IX


Student Health

24hr Nurse Line: 800-539-1387

Vejas Skripkus: 858-829-2552 Edwin Feliciano: 805-883-8147