Falls are among the most common causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. Consequently, fall protection standards are one of the most frequently cited workplace violations by OSHA. The purpose of this program is to ensure campus compliance with applicable regulations and to reduce fall related risks by 1) mitigating exposures to fall hazards through the use of effective controls, and 2) establishing procedures that ensure safe and legal use of fall protection equipment when fall hazards cannot be properly mitigated. This program applies to all UCSB faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors, contractors, and vendors while engaged in University related activities whether on campus or off (such as field locations).

At UCSB fall protection must be utilized whenever there is risk of a fall of four (4) feet or more or there is risk of a fall from any height that is likely to result in serious injury or death, unless it has been determined that the work falls under Cal/OSHA Construction Safety Orders (please contact the Program Administrator for assistance in making this determination). Please see the non-exhaustive list below for work activities and locations that may require fall protection

Aerial Lifts Fixed/Portable Ladders Scaffolds
Roof Access (roof openings) Stairways Trenching/Excavation
Structural Framing Tops of Equipment Window Washing
Manholes or Vaults Loading Docks Tree Trimming
High/Low Voltage electrical work (or telecommunications) 4 ft. above surface Water sumps, tanks, and vessels Wall openings (>18 inches) or open sided floors
Working over dangerous machinery Any height over uncapped rebar or an unprotected elevation more than 4 ft above capped rebar More than 4 ft. to a lower level from roofs, excavation perimeters, or similar locations
Within 6 ft. of a leading edge of a fall hazard of 4 ft. or more Skylights (or working over glass) Working over water (or near body of water)


Hierarchy of Fall Protection Controls – The sequence of analysis for fall protection is:

fall protection equipment

Stop Work Authority (SWA) - At UCSB all persons have the right and responsibility to stop work if an imminent hazard exists, if the job is perceived to be unsafe, if conditions change, or to ask a question and clarify the job steps so that all participants are aware of the sequence of work to be performed. Work may resume when the Supervisor, PI, Crew Leader, or EH&S, etc. have reviewed the situation, mitigations have been made or steps clarified, and all participants agree.



Department Chairs & Heads-

Department Chairs and Heads are responsible for:

  • Ensuring departmental compliance with the requirements of this program;
  • Ensuring fall hazards within department owned or controlled spaces are identified through regular safety inspections;
  • Ensuring fall hazards identified are proper mitigated using the Fall Protection Hierarchy of Controls;
  • Identifying “Fall Protection Equipment Responsible Person(s)” in writing and ensuring they have the knowledge and authority to carry out their responsibilities listed below;
  • Providing the necessary resources to ensure the health and safety of departmental employees; and
  • Exercising Stop Work Authority when necessary.

Responsible Persons (RP): Supervisors and PIs-

Supervisors of personnel who may be exposed to fall hazards are responsible for:

  • Understanding and complying with UCSB Fall Protection Program requirements;
  • Ensuring work-tasks are evaluated for fall hazards and hazards are properly mitigated following the hierarchy of controls prior to commencing work;
  • Identifying personnel who require fall protection training and ensuring documented training on fall protection hazards, fall protection mitigation measures, proper use of FPE, and FPE rescue planning is performed by EH&S or an approved 3rd party vendor prior to commencing work;
  • Ensuring proper FPE is selected and used for each job task under their purview when required;
  • Ensuring the EH&S Program Administrator reviews and approves all new FPE before it is purchased;
  • Ensuring FPE is only issued to individuals with current FPE training;
  • Keeping an accurate and up to date inventory of all FPE under their purview;
  • Ensuring viable Rescue Plans are developed and implemented for each operation where FPE is used;
  • Enforcing the safe and proper use of FPE under their purview;
  • Identifying unsafe use of FPE by personnel under their preview and ensuring it is properly documented and mitigated;
  • Ensuring FPE under their purview is inspected per UCSB Fall Protection Program requirements;
  • Ensuring FPE that has not passed its most recent inspection or is passed due for inspection is red-tagged and taken out of service (equipment may go back into service if repaired by qualified/authorized individual or an inspection has been performed by a competent individual, restrictions apply);
  • Ensuring damaged or otherwise unusable FPE is red-tagged, destroyed and/or properly disposed of;
  • Notifying the EH&S Program Administrator of the improper use of any Fall Protection Equipment; and
  • Exercising Stop Work Authority when necessary.

Fall Protection Equipment (FPE) Users-

Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors, and Volunteers who use fall protection equipment are responsible for:

  • Using fall protection equipment properly/safely as per manufacturer’s specifications, regulations, this program, and industry best practices.
  • Reviewing and following Rescue Plans when they apply to their work activities;
  • Always select, inspect prior to use, use, clean and store FPE in a safe manner (per manufacturer’s specifications and industry best practices);
  • Alerting the Responsible Person, Supervisor, or EH&S Program Administrator when FPE has any damage or weakness requiring repair/replacement; and
  • Exercising Stop Work Authority when necessary.

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S)-

The UCSB Fall Protection Program is administered by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). EH&S is responsible for:

  • Designating an individual who is qualified by appropriate training and/or experience to administer the program.

EH&S Program Administrator-

The UCSB Fall Protection Program Administrator will function as a technical resource and assist departments in carrying out their responsibilities as necessary. The UCSB Fall Protection Program Administrator is responsible for:

  • Reviewing new equipment purchases/rentals/leases and ensuring it meets the current regulations, is covered by this program, and determining if further specialized training is necessary;
  • Working Procurement Services, FPE manufacturers, and the Owner Departments to help determine proper FPE selection, use, stocking, and safe-work practices unique to the Owner Department’s work activities;
  • Providing, supplementing, and consulting on training to assist Owner Departments in FPE Program compliance;
  • Maintaining and updating this Program as need dictates, or as compliance codes change;
  • Developing and maintaining the Fall Protection Program and ensuring it meets applicable regulatory requirements;
  • Communicating requirements, objectives, and plan changes to departments impacted by this program;
  • Developing and updating Fall Protection training and other program materials as needed;
  • Auditing program records and ensuring they are retained for the correct amount of time;
  • Working with responsible persons to identify safe locations were “hands on” field training may be conducted;
  • Conducting regular program audits to ensure the program is being properly implemented and assessing overall program effectiveness;
  • Conducting periodic “customer service” inquiries to learn how the program can be modified to better meet client department’s needs;
  • Assisting with Fall Protection implementation Site/Operation Hazard Evaluations upon request; and
  • Exercising Stop Work Authority when necessary.

For further information please contact the EH&S Industrial Safety Program at ehs-industrialsafety@ucsb.edu.