The UCSB Laser Safety Program is committed to provide UCSB’s Educational and Research community with adequate fundamental safety guidance in maintaining a safe work environment and strives to ensure that no unintentional exposure of laser radiation in excess of the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limit to the human eye or skin occurs. EH&S policy on laser safety requires that all lasers and laser systems to be operated in a manner comparable to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136 series of Standards for the Safe Use of Lasers.


New Laser?

The Radiation Safety Office keeps an inventory of all class 3b and 4 laser systems on campus to adequately achieve our goal to ensure that individuals who work with these systems will not be exposed to laser radiation and are working in a manner consistent with the ANSI Standard. If you have a new laser in your workspace, please complete the Laser Inventory form and send to the Radiation Safety Office.

Laser Inventory Form

Class 3B and Class 4 Laser User Responsibilities 

Training Requirements

  • All operators of class 3B lasers (average power >5mW) or class 4 lasers (average power >500 mW) are required to complete the online "Laser Safety" training module available on the UCSB Learning Management System website.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) & Beam Alignment Procedures

All operators of class 3b and 4 laser systems are required to have SOPs and alignment procedures available on-site as it pertains to safety in the use and alignment of the laser system. Any person who uses the laser should read and confirm that they understand the SOP/alignment procedures. Below is a generic SOP/alignment procedure that can be edited and customized for your lab. Please contact the Radiation Safety Office at X7255 for any questions or guidance in completing your SOP.

Laser Safety Checklist

When using a class 3b or 4 laser system there are many safety concerns to always keep in mind. It is ultimately the responsibility of the laser system's owner (PI) to ensure the safety of the individual users in the lab . The Radiation Safety Office has created a Laser Safety Checklist to identify potential safety issues.

Standards and Resources


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Signs and Labels

Download laser hazard warning signs and labels that you can modify for your specific application:

Warning Class 3b laser sign

Warning Class 4 laser sign

Danger Class 4 laser sign

Notice Unattended laser sign

Notice Alignment in Progress sign


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Laser Safety Supplies


Eye Protection

NOTE: Contact the Laser Safety Officer before buying eyewear

Eyewear Optical Density (OD) Calculator online (powered by Easy-Haz):

Vendors for Laser Curtains, Enclosures, Eyewear and Laser Supplies

NoIR Laser Shields/Eyewear

Kentek Curtains & Enclosures

Laser Safety Systems (interlocks)


Rockwell Laser Industries


Laser Quantum Inc

Laservision USA


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