All laboratories which use chemicals are subject to the Cal-OSHA standard titled: "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories"; known as the “Laboratory Safety Standard”.  

The major requirement of the Lab Standard is to develop and implement a written, Laboratory-specific Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) which addresses the policies, Standard Operating Procedures, etc., that ensure employees are protected from harm due to chemicals. The UCSB CHP is accessed via the links below, and is organized as follows:


Section I

SECTION 1: Lab-Specific Section: To be in compliance with the OSHA CHP regulations, lab supervisors must customize their CHP to their particular chemical operations using the template in Sec. I and complete Standard Operating Procedures. Lab members must also sign the Lab Worker Training Record.

Section II

SECTION 2: Includes UC/UCSB Policies, Training, Procedures and Resources

Section III

SECTION 3: Appendices: PI responsibilities, Self-Inspection checklist, GHS
classification system detains, and a list of Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHS)

Combined CHP Sections I, II, III available to download here.


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