The Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) Standard, Cal/OSHA CCR Title 8 Section 5199 and 5199.1, is intended to mitigate occupational exposures to certain pathogens transmitted by aerosols or droplets. The regulations specify that employers must implement an effective program to minimize exposure of employees to potential sources of aerosol transmissible diseases.

This California workplace safety law requires certain employers with employees exposed to aerosol transmissible diseases to have effective written safety plans (see information on BUA below), provide protective equipment as needed, and train employees on safety procedures.

California Workplace Guide to ATD
Cal/OSHA ATD Fact Sheet


Exposure Control Plan Form



Scope of the Regulations with Regard to Laboratory and Field Research


Principal investigators with research involving any of the agents listed in “Appendix D: Aerosol Transmissible Pathogens – Laboratory” of the regulations must establish, implement and maintain a written biosafety and exposure control plan that meets the requirements of subsection (f) on Laboratories. Appendix D includes human cytomegalovirus, shiga toxin-producing E. coli, and herpes simplex virus 1. Broadly pseudotyped, replication-defective viral vectors, e.g., VSV-G lentiviral vectors, are also subject to this standard if aerosol exposure to staff could occur. 

The ATD Standard - Zoonotic section explicitly covers the risks of zoonotic disease transmission and operations involving the capture, sampling, or transportation of wildlife and operations involving samples, cultures, or other materials potentially containing zoonotic aerosol transmissible pathogens.

Exposure Control Plan


A biological use authorization (BUA) is required for work with cultures or sources of ATD. The BUA documents project-specific safety protocols and appropriate barriers to prevent occupational exposures. The BUA serves as the written biosafety and exposure control plan and describes the work procedures that minimize the production of aerosols, the use of personal protective equipment, cleaning and decontamination procedures, locations of emergency healthcare services, and the symptoms of infection for the pathogens associated with the project. As the biosafety and exposure control plan, the BUA must be reviewed, updated annually and as needed, and filed with the biosafety officer to document compliance with the ATD Standard.

The document linked below is intended to compliment the project specific BUA:
Aerosol Transmissible Diseases Exposure Control Plan

Cal/OSHA requires that exposure control plans are reviewed and acknowledged annually. BUAs are to be updated with

  • Training dates within the last 12 months for group members on aerosol transmissible diseases,
  • Documented review of the safety protocols,
  • Biosafety cabinet certification date(s) as applicable.



Training is available on the UC Learning Center: Aerosol Transmissible Diseases Training