Federal and state Bloodborne Pathogens Standards, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 and Cal/OSHA CCR Title 8 Section 5193, are intended to mitigate occupational exposures to pathogens transmitted in human or primate blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). The regulations specify that employers must implement an effective program to minimize exposure of employees to potential sources of bloodborne pathogens (BBP).
Scope of the Regulations with Regard to Laboratory Research
Principal Investigators with laboratory operations involving any reasonable, occupational risk of exposure to human or primate blood or bodily fluids must establish, implement and maintain a written exposure control plan that meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 (c) and CCR Title 8 Section 5193 (c).
Exposure Control Plan
A biological use authorization (BUA) is required for work with human or primate blood or tissues. The BUA documents project-specific safety protocols and appropriate barriers to prevent direct contact with human blood or OPIM for researchers.
The document linked below is intended to compliment the project specific BUA:
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
Cal/OSHA requires that exposure control plans are reviewed and acknowledged annually.
BUAs are to be updated with
- BBP training dates within the last 12 months for group members,
- Documented review of the safety protocols,
- Biosafety cabinet certification date(s) as applicable.